Tuesday, November 15, 2005


There are times when things are not as it seems...

Yesterday, I had the same idea as my younger sis, who got that idea early in the morning, only to be disappointed.

My dad came home last night with a 香 bag.. with the wrapper, one would naturally think that it contains what else but 肉干 right? I thought so too but decided to wait till this morning to find out.

My younger sister woke me up at 630am just to ask for permission to open it for consumption.

It was only later at 730am, when I was having breakfast with my mom then I found out about my sister's disappointment... cos obviously, it wasnt 肉干 in the 肉干 plastic wrapper but...


See how deceiving the wrapper can be? Poor sister... she was super disappointed... and for that, I kinda landed myself the task to finance 肉干 for CNY next year. Isnt it interesting how Moms get their daughters to commit to doing certain things unknowingly?

On a brighter note, I think my workload has decreased sufficiently for me to breathe again...

But once again, I wasted a full day in court today.

About 6 hours of discussion... and it almost seemed like we would get the trial going but it settled in the end... bleah.. Then again, I'm sure glad its finally over.

Disappointment beckons...
How much more can I take?
Would I still be sane...

"You better be alive when I return..."
Ah well, no promises yeah... I sure hope I'm still alive when you're back... =) You know who you are... miss ya and I really look forward to your return and a comparatively longer period of stay this time round.


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