Saturday, November 05, 2005

-4 more wEEks-

4 more weeks and its back to school...

Looking forward to it? Not really... not after I saw my timetable...

It is a good timetable on the whole... prob just be super tired out on mon and wed.

Thankfully, I have Kase Zhang with me! At least this aunty will help keep me sane... hahahah.. And of course, I have mushroom soup to look forward to... Grace, rem the meal you owe me yeah... first day of school, onward to Mensa 1! And of course, I've got 2 lunch dates to fulfill after getting back to school! Can't wait..

The weather is great for sleeping... cold wind and all.. I'm feeling super lazy today but the list of things to be done is increasing. For starters, I have to draft 2 articles on construction. Then, I would probably continue researching for 2 different matters. And of course, I have to start the making of gifts... The number of gifts to be made is comparable to the time I worked at CGH! At least, I think I should be able to complete it before Christmas this time. Thank God for the idea!

I'm on standby for work tomorrow afternoon... have practice at Kum Yan as well...

Seems like it would be a pretty well-used weekend... Now, it just depends on how much of those things listed would be done. ^.^

"What do you want?" the voice asked...
"I want everything I can't have... but isn't that impossible?"
"If you know you are asking for the impossible, then why do you still seek it? the voice prompted...
"Cos as much as its impossible, there is that tiny light... that tiny hope... that it might still be... possible..."


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