Monday, October 17, 2005

-Binz, Zaid & mE @ SakuRa-

There you have it, pictures of our birthday gaL in her new haircut!! ^.^

Met up with Binz and Zaid yesterday and we had dinner at Sakura. Supposed to head for the bazar but the rain made us change our plan. Nevertheless, we had a great time catching up with one another with the usual animated talk and expressions!

To Kun, d@n and Char who have been laughing at my pronounciation over the past few weeks, you guys should have heard Binz yesterday... she is just as bad!!! Hahahaha... Don't believe?

Waiter : "Can I take your order?"

Binz : "Yes please, I would like to have the Thai green Colour"

mE & Zaid : -looked at Binz in amazement- "Thai green colour???" -burst out laughing-

Binz : -sheepish- "No no! I meant Thai green CURRY!!!"

(note - even the waiter was trying not to smile)

Towards the end of the meal, as we were discussing on whether journalists' articles get published without editing...

Binz : "... but the governship sponsership... "

Zaid : "sponsership??"

Binz : "No no! I mean censorship..."

So, as you can see, I am not the only one who pronounce words wrongly alright....
Unless that's why we are good frens huh Binz??? Hahahahah

On a different note, have you ever thought that what was wrong in the past may be right in the future? And how certain things that is viewed as wrong in the present time may be seen as correct in the future??? Ever thought how things like being in an undecent trade or in a unwanted position may be seen as wrong to the world but how to differentiate between right and wrong when we aren't in those people's position?? Confusing isn't it... Yeah.. Sure is confusing...


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