Thursday, December 09, 2004

Failure and success...

Two words that will always go together.

What is deemed a failure? To some people, failure is when they fail to do well in their studies. For others, failure is when they failed to sustain a relationship. And for some others, failure is when they fail to keep their families together.

Is there a clear definition of failure? The definition of failure, as given in a dictionary is as follows-:
Failure=Failing, non-performance, lack of success; breaking down or ceasing to function (engine, heart failure) ; running short of supply, etc; unsuccessful person or thing.

If failure is defined as such, then does it equate the failing of an exam as a failure? Seems like it does.

Is failure then the end of all things?
A road block for life?
Will the sun never shine on your path again?
Will darkness forever engulf you?

A person once reminded me of my 'little successes'.
She asked me why I chose to remember my failures instead of my achievements. Why I choose to beat myself up whenever things go wrong and never pat myself on the back when a job is well done.

That person was my light... she was the sun that shone on my path and brighten my life once more...

At least she wasn't like you... you who choose to remember only my faults and nothing else.

You who thinks you have a big heart when all you have is a narrow mind, a narrow heart and a narrow soul.

You who thinks I'm a ungrateful person with no heart.

You who thinks I have an ulterior motive for everything that I do...

I never understood why they chose to keep quiet and not speak to you unless necessary.

Now I do.

I really do.


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