Tuesday, December 07, 2004

EmotioNs... what makes human a whole?

He got scolded again yesterday... And I saw that face again... The face that had a mixture of expression of 'Is it me?' and 'It isn't me!'. I've taught him a couple of times. There was a time when he drove me nuts. But recently, I've realised he has grown milder... and he could read and do maths like any normal child. Why is it then, that the blame is immediately aimed towards him when something happens? Did he really hurt the child near him? Or was it just that he was sitting nearby? He may be an autistic child... but he's still a child... I may be getting a little emotional over this, but I really can't help but feel a stab of pain when he was scolded...

Talking about pain... I felt a stab of pain just now too.
But it isn't really pain kinda pain... it was more of a fear kinda pain...
The kind where my mind runs wild and all kinds of thoughts fill my head while I worried over someone close to me... Those few minutes of no response freaked me out... it felt like forever until I finally got a response. *wHew* I really felt relief...


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