Saturday, March 18, 2006

-Brain BoggLers-

My younger sister asked me to help find out a list of 10 words describing phobias... So here goes...

1. HYDROPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of water

2. CIBOPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of food

3. PYROPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of fire

4. CLAUSTROPHOBIA - an adnormal fear of confined spaces

5. CRYOPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of ice, frost or extreme cold

6. OPHIDIOPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of snakes

7. GLOSSOPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of public speaking

8. EISOTROPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of mirrors

9. TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA - an abnormal fear of the number 13

10. PARASKAVEDEKATRIAPHOBIA - an abnormal fear for Friday the 13th!

I think I like word number 10... its probably the longest word I have ever came across this far! Wahahahahah... 23 letters in total... cool? =)

Life's great... get to learn something new everyday!


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