Thursday, April 21, 2005


Guess getting a taste of what the legal world is like now is good...

At least it braces me for what will come during our attachment...

Well, sorry for the lack in updates. I've been so exhausted that I rarely stay online long enough, though on the contrary, a few people probably see me online and got to chat with me... but that's basically all that I'm capable of. Just not a long enough time for me to blog!

Workload's been increasing as I try out more different types of document. I also came across this thick rules of court legislation, where the formats of all court documents are found, and did a form that I've never seen before today. Been doing more writs and at the moment, letter of quantification is one that I least enjoy doing. For once, this is one letter that never remains the same in terms of format. There's always either something missing or something to add in. Its not like those good old writs where you can just cut and paste the precedent and make changes. This letter requires brains... and frankly, its zaps up pretty much of my brain juice doing it! Haha...

Ok, enough of work... basically, I only get to recharge during weekends. Looking through the week, its pretty amazing how short my sleep is cos I simply can't forgo those tv shows! hahah..
There's Desparate Housewives and Las Vegas on MoN, CSI and the Practice on TuE, Last Exile, Shaman King and ER on WeD, Last Exile and Shaman King on ThuR and FrI... so I basically sleep at around 12 everyday and wake at about 730 every morning. Wed and Thur are extremely sleepy days cos sumhow, I won't want to wake up. Guess its the extra work time at KumOn that drains me completely...

Well, 3weeks gone, 4 more to go. Kinda looking forward to school again, it being the last year. But then again, I'm looking forward to the next two weeks cos I'll probably be going to court more often over the next few weeks! Just hope I don't burn myself out flat before school starts!

Till then, ta!


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