Saturday, March 25, 2006

-OverDose Of ParaCetaMoL... I duN carE-

When the dentist's nurse first quoted me $450 for the extraction of one wisdom tooth, I nearly fainted... Then I reminded myself, this is the dentist that have seen me since young... and this is the ONLY dentist that I really trust, having seen others before.

Shortly after came the news that the Government is giving out bonuses to the people of legal age. Hence, my contribution to remove my wisdom tooth is subsidised in a way and that comforted me...

The day dawned... and it didn't help that I was freaking out and was a little late for my appointment. The dentist was having a conversation, which he tried to end it using me as an excuse... I stepped into the room and saw the anaesthetic jab needle on the tray...

I didn't stop to stare at it longer to find out how thick the needle was... I could feel it poking through but it wasnt as painful as I thought it would be.

The dentist then surprised me by saying that he would pluck out my lower tooth followed by the upper one. I had thought it would be just ONE.

Then came the drilling sounds...

And many minutes passed before he finally got my stubborn lower left wisdom tooth out...

Then came the strings... and my gums were stitched up.

"Now we will take out the upper one... or we can wait lah, your upper gum is still quite thick, lets wait till the tooth grows out a little more ok?"

Knowing that it would be much cheaper, since its the same side. I agreed. The ordeal has been quite enough for me in a day...

And gurgling with half of my mouth in numbness made me felt like a disabled... its how the water just drips out from my left side and I can't control it at all.

Pain? DUH...

I just hope the pain wun get any worse as of now... I SHALL SLEEP the day away to stop myself from drowning in paracetamol pills to ease the pain.

Then again, this experience is rather nice... my younger sister cooked mee for me and is currently cooling it down cos I'm not suppose to take hot food on the first day.

My mother boiled barley water for me...

I'm expected to be not able to speak for the next few days. Perfect excuse for keeping real quiet at work.

And interestingly... I've gotten MC from today till Monday...

Why did I get an MC for today and tmr???? I seriously have no idea... in d@n's words, "the dentist must be quite kuku." Then again, it might be the nurse who is kuku... who knows? Hahahah..

Before I end off, BIRTHDAY SHOUT OUT TO LESTER AND MATTHEW! Both Lims by the way... Hahahhaha...

And off I go... to enjoy the instant mee prepared by my younger sister... =)


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