Monday, May 24, 2004

*YawN* I juz woke abt an hr agO... Haha... yeaH... piG... I noe... BuT can't be helped I supposed. BeeN really tired with aLL those late nite chats I had last wEEk and I'm down with flu... sUmhOw, I'll alwiz be down with flU at least twice a yR..

DuN have to woRk today! Centre's closed... so feeL kinda relaxed... beeN resting since yesterday... stayed home and watched tv... and I also managed to pack away my notes for the sem... making room for those new notes coming in next mth! guess I'm going to aim to make my rOOm a little more spacious over the wEEk... hopefully i'll succeed... =)

TuE's mEEting for camp sunshine was pretty ok... though the meeting started late, things were done so quite ok... i din get to go drop by my aunt's place to see my two darlings but its ok... might drop by this week or next.

TheN it was woRk as usual tiLL ThuR... Me and my mom went to my aunt's house cos its javier's b-day but apparently, my cousin-in-law took leave to bring them out so after waiting for half-an-hR, we went to tampines to walk walk before i met juN and chaR to get juaN's present. The usual gang was meeting up for dinneR at Blk 85 Bedok to celebrate juaN's b-day! Got her a pen with heR name craved on it and a bouquet of small pink lilies... I noE juaN loves daisies but we got her that before so I decided to get her lilies instead.
We definitely enjoyed ourselves once again... stiNgraY, Oystal Egg, Satay, BBQ chicken, Ba ChoU mEE and Peanut soup with Glutinous Rice balls... YuM!!! GueSS i shld arrange sumthing like that when julven comes back in 3weeks time?? By then, almost eveyone would be around! Queen's coming back real soon too! =) TheN i shld arrange a KTV session then a dinneR session at Blk 85...
The night was enhance by a phone call... Ching called me from melbourne! I had told her to call in the evening instead of afternoon since there will be so much more pple around... everyone had a chance to tok to her and I know she enjoyed it... I definitely enjoyed it! Its been so long since i last heard her voice! Can't wait to see her soon!

Initially, me and jun was supposed to go to Blk 85 to meet the rest first while ChaR go attend maSS before joining us... in the end, we joined her for mass as weLL! It was a pretty different experience as compared to the one i had at the Novena Catholic Church... quite nice actually...

KuN and ChaR came by on Fri morning... But my comp is stiLL not fixed. Apparently, kuN needs the mother board driver before he can reformat the comp, sumthing that my dad doesn't have. Also, my comp is really too old. To reformat the comp, KuN says its like curing a 100yr old man. HaiZ... not to mention, there's the Trojan horse virus as weLL. Seems like i do have to start saving for a new comp.
Then 3 of us went swimming... it was quite fun, with KuN doing his 'stunts' in the pooL.

SaT moRning was spent with Nuraini at Legal Aid Bureau... It was a voluntary thing that i signed up for last sem... diN expect theM to call me in cos there wasn't any news from them last hols... It was quite an experience. Though its a Sat, there were still quite a few pple who came in for legal aid and we helped look after the kids while their parents talk to the advisors.. All in all, i learned many many new things that morning...

Then i went home to rest before going out diNNeR with Jo and her family and grandma... brought her to this coffee shop at Queenstown area... HeaRd its well known for good food and duRing peak houRs, one can Really wait very very long... TheN, we dropped by Dua Ku's house to see the great grandson... This little fellow is really big for his age! I can't recall but i duN tink he's one yet and he weighs 10kg? .. ReaLLy BiG .. AfteR sending grandma back, Ah Choo aunty managed to convince mom to go watch Bullet Proof Monk at SICC so all of us went. Me, JO, JiN and ToM played a game of table tennis before we watch the movie. LotsA laughter and lotsa sweat as we try to hit the ball continuously.. =) The movie was not bad. I din watch it then. TheN i got to drive home... =)

Thats about it i suppose... Prob still have dinner with the choiR pple this thuR.. other then that, there's the Lord of the Rings exhibition to look forward to! Should be going on sun with zaid and biN... So long for now... moRe later... =) CheeRs for the wEEk!


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