Monday, August 07, 2006

-Thank U-

To Benedict, for being the first person to send his best wishes on Sunday afternoon.

To Daphnie, who managed to remember it somehow while chatting with me on the phone on Sunday night.

To Bin, for being the first person to send her wishes on the actual day at 12.01 am.

To Allan, WeiSiang, ZhiKang, Daphnie, Junji, Christopher, Terence, KaiFeng, Lyn, Daniel, Lester, Xiong, Grace, ThaNk YoU for the lovely msgs that kept me busy through my day.

To Ivan, Happy Birthday!

To Alyn, my new friend and lunch buddy @ work, thank you for your lovely card which started my day on a happy note.

To Hida, though you tried to slip the present on my table secretly, Yes, I saw you attempting to put the present while I was walking back to my table. Thank U! I love the present! =)

[Added on 10.08.06: -
To JoE and Charlene, for sending your wishes via email and e-card respectively. Thank you for the wise advice and cute card!]

To Chunwai and Silas, thank you for welcoming me with your wishes when I signed into MSN.

To my boss, J Ling, thank you for your msg that I just received. Yes, I'm blogging about you!

[Added on 10.08.06: -
To Justina, Nadira, Tania and Michael... Thank you for your wishes! No worries though it was belated. =)
To Eulene and Kevin, you guys may have remembered wrongly but nonetheless, Thank yoU!

Thank U! ^.^ More updates soon!


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