Saturday, December 23, 2006

-Christmas GrEEtiNgs to aLL-

Just in case I forget...


Hope the past year have been great and may the following year be even better!!!

Sorry for the lack of updates... There are so many things I like to update about but time has gotten away from me. An unexpected event that turned my time/schedule/health/work/annual x'mas present totally off-tangent. But I will work hard to get back my health to prepare for the long journey ahead. This may not be the path I should take, but by choice, I will try to travel down this route for as long as I can tahan...

But that being said, here is a shout out to my dearest friend of 17 years and counting... YES I have verified and confirm that I was in Pri 1A....

Your news was one of the best news that I have ever heard since my life unexpectedly went off-tangent. Words cannnot express the joy I feel for you... Thank you Laopa! And thank you Mommy Sarah for choosing me as one of your Jiemeis... making this my first time as a bridesmaid!!! ^^ Congratulations!

This recent unexpected event has made me think more than usual and exercised my brain power to a limit that I never knew existed. In a way, it also taught me how to apply what I have done to work too. That being said, I also like to thank all my friends for providing me with a listening ear and their enormous patience! ^^

If every end represents a new beginning, what does one need to reach the door which opens a new chapter in life?

When one turns selfish and is only concerned with their own interest... does that justify their choice of using someone else as their weapon?


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