Tuesday, August 02, 2005

-MoviEs, BookS and mE-

Two very lovely movies that I thoroughly enjoyed myself..

I guess, if I realised the picture icon on blogger earlier, I would have put those up sooner... still, better late than never.. =)

I'm voiceless.. thanks to tania, marcus, alvin and perhaps, my younger sister.. those in school seemed so happy that I'm finally infected... especially since I'm the last in the group to get it in class.. bleah..

I must say I was pretty amused to produce only sounds instead of words this morning.. -scratch head- guess the green curry from thai express wasn't as harmless as it tasted... wahahah..
We finally celebrated the 3 shou xin pos' birthday last night at thai express esplanade and took many many photos! It definitely felt nice to gather again after quite awhile.. =)

Ran into Jason while making our way back too.. it was a lovely suprise.. =) I like to thank all my friends, who have been patiently listening.. wouldn't have survived without you all..

I finally broke record for the month of July.. I managed to read 8 books! Used to read alot more but had ceased since I moved over here.. I used to be within walking distance from the library at my old house but now, I'm pretty lazy to take the bus down to borrow.. haha.. Thanks to Daph, I managed to start my reading habit once again.. the books in our sch lib is really not bad afterall.. =)

Movie and books have been eating into me.. *smack* realistic mind please.. but it can be quite hard.. like Daph said, who doesn't like happy endings? Likewise, who never dreamed about fairytale endings.. Yet, we have to keep a realistic mind and live life as it is... to the fullest that is! Still, many thoughts have been running through like river.. I've been pondering subconciously as well.. let nature takes it course? Guess I don't have a choice...


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